
See Ts & Cs for postal entry route.
Please check your name and number in the entry list below after payment.

Closing Date: March 7, 2024 8:00 pm

Competition Stats


per Entry


Max. Entries


per Person

Total Winners: 1

13 instant wins to be found with a jackpot prize of £500 drawn via random number generator.

Instant Wins

Have 13 chances to win a prize instantly! You will be allocated a random ticket number, and if you match one of the numbers below, you will win that prize. We have over £490 worth of instant win prizes to giveaway! All of your entries will also be entered into the main draw to win the featured prize.

Ticket Prize Winner
1 £100 Cash
44 10 entries into Milwaukee / £450 Cash Billy Campbell
189 5 entries back into this competition Billy Campbell
241 £50 Cash Daniel Forbes
269 10 entries into Milwaukee / £450 Cash Louise Reid
304 5 entries back into this competition Daniel Forbes
399 £50 Cash
451 10 entries into Milwaukee / £450 Cash
513 5 entries back into this competition
578 £50 Cash Daniel Forbes
620 10 entries into Milwaukee / £450 Cash
701 £50 Cash
750 £100 Cash Michael Clark

Winners are

Winner Name Ticket Number Draw Date
Michael Clark 278 07/03/2024
13 instant wins to be found with a jackpot prize of £500 drawn via random number generator.


Ticket Number Date Name
2 2024-03-06 21:58:52 Mary Haggerty
3 2024-03-01 19:57:23 Danny Rattray
4 2024-03-06 15:05:52 Debbie Mitchell
7 2024-03-02 08:33:39 Daniel Forbes
8 2024-03-05 13:11:17 Joanne Reid
9 2024-03-05 11:52:53 Julie Stuart
14 2024-03-04 19:27:20 Lynne Cameron
18 2024-03-01 09:25:02 Joanne Christie
20 2024-03-03 17:16:13 Ashley Roy
22 2024-03-04 19:27:20 Lynne Cameron
23 2024-03-05 17:34:59 Diane Edward
25 2024-03-05 08:30:48 Michael Gordon
27 2024-03-02 08:34:52 Daniel Forbes
32 2024-03-06 15:05:52 Debbie Mitchell
33 2024-03-03 21:45:43 Ashley Roy
34 2024-03-02 08:34:52 Daniel Forbes
35 2024-03-07 19:07:06 Mariya Beleva
37 2024-03-07 19:53:33 Daniel Forbes
39 2024-03-06 23:21:36 Michael Clark
44 2024-03-07 19:49:47 Billy Campbell
45 2024-03-06 23:21:36 Michael Clark
46 2024-03-01 21:01:40 Catriona Jolly
47 2024-02-29 23:03:41 Daniel Forbes
50 2024-03-01 19:57:23 Danny Rattray
51 2024-03-03 21:43:17 Ashley Roy
54 2024-03-07 19:59:11 Billy Campbell
56 2024-03-07 19:59:11 Billy Campbell
58 2024-03-06 15:05:52 Debbie Mitchell
61 2024-03-07 15:14:45 Jemma Mckenzie
62 2024-03-06 15:05:52 Debbie Mitchell
65 2024-03-07 19:57:48 Billy Campbell
67 2024-03-03 22:04:47 Julie Stuart
69 2024-03-06 11:17:15 Becky Lawrie
70 2024-03-07 10:36:38 Donna Emslie
71 2024-03-06 23:21:36 Michael Clark
72 2024-03-07 14:13:27 Kim Milne